Saturday, July 19, 2014

Thoughts about my friend, Chris Miller

As the anniversary of the death of my dear friend, Chris Miller, approaches tomorrow, I want to share some reflections that I am having.

About two and a half years ago, I did a photo shoot of Chris. I was trying to capture his genuine laugh, so I told him a joke. Here is the joke:

A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. He takes a sip, and then suddenly the most incredible piano music he's ever heard starts up. He looks around, and he sees this tiny man, about a foot in height, playing the piano.

Puzzled, the guy asks the bartender, "Where in hell did you get that little guy?"

The bartender answers, "Well, I was taking the trash out into the alley and saw this old dirty lamp. I rubbed the dirt off it, and this genie popped out and said 'I'll grant you one wish, but one wish only!’ So now I have this little man."

"Wow!" says the guy, "is that lamp still out there?"

"I guess so", says the bartender, "go out and take a look."

The guy rushes out the back door and sure enough, there's this dirty old lamp. He picks it up and rubs it. Out pops the genie and says, "I'll grant you one wish, but one wish only!"

Beside himself with excitement, the guy yells, "I want a thousand bucks!”

There’s a flash, a bang, and a bam! And out of nowhere, there are 1,000 ducks.

Pissed off, the man walks back into the bar, grabs the bartender, and says: “What do you think you’re pulling? I asked for a thousand bucks!”

"No kidding", says the barman, "did you really think I asked him for a 12-inch pianist?"

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