Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I'm entitling this email:

Ignorance Runs Deep!

I never ceased to be amazed by how ignorant some people and groups can be. They disguise their hatred with modicums of statements that claim their rights have been violated, yet they only respond to some imaginary right, some fantastical violation. I was in California a few years back and I did a series of shows for the Sacramento Unified School District. Overall, there was such warm reception by those people. I love that district! At least during the time I was there, I felt they desired to move beyond mere tolerance, entering a world which embraced true diversity, celebrating inclusion.

Nevertheless, during one of my trips to that school district, there were some disgruntled parents who heard that I portrayed a football player who is gay. Now anyone who has seen my show will realize that what I'm about to say is hysterical. These parents caused a big raucous in that school district, because they felt that by someone mentioning the word "gay" or "homosexual" it was equivalent to the promotion a social agenda. (As I write this, I'm trying not to laugh). They did not want their children to have to be subjected to this infiltration. Are you kidding me? Seriously, do people truly believe that one's orientation is a social agenda? Are there not gay and lesbian children in our schools who struggle with these issues? Have I not been to schools where gay children have committed suicide? Is not being called "gay" a commonplace derogative slam against kids? Do not kids who are suspected of being gay or lesbian being chastised, beaten, and murdered? Have you not heard of Sakia Gunn (

and the many others who have been forgotten? Was it not King who said, "That all of God's children . . . will join hands and sing in the words of that old Negro Spiritual, 'Free at last! Free at last! Great God Almighty! We are free at last!'" Is not my show about making everyone feel safe, whether gay, hetero, or transgender; whether African, Latino, European, Middle Eastern, Native, or Asian; whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Wican, Hindu, or Buddhist; whether male or female; whether right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous? Is not my show about Inclusion, of saving every life, of not ignoring the forgotten, of not loving all? And please don't make a mockery of God by stating that you love the sinner but hate the sin . . . you insult the very sacrifice that is the foundation of your faith. In street level language, "I ain't talkin' bout sexual behaviors. I talkin' bout feelings. I talkin' bout the people who feel rejected by different segments of society. I talkin' bout hypocrisy. That's what I'm talkin' bout."

But what has set Mykee off? Well, it was this article that was written some time ago which made reference to these parents bringing a school district to court under some fallacious charge, and the mighty, pompous lawyer who's never seen my show. Here's the link:

I tell you, it's enough to drive a sane boy crazy!!!!

And I ain't even sane . . .

I guess these people who disguise their hateful agenda, calling it morality or godliness are best summarized by Christian singer-songwriter Larry Norman:

“Cause I’ve been in your churches and sat in your pews, and heard sermons on just how much money you’ll need for the year.

And I’ve heard you make reference to Mexicans, China men, niggers, and Jews

and I gather you wish we’d all disappear.

And you call yourselves Christians, but really you’re not . . .”

Larry Norman, Right Here In America

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