Saturday, February 18, 2012

I can't say it more clearly than this

It will never stop or really ever change, until those who are in the majority of any group speak up on behalf of the minority of the group, and the minority allow the voice of the majority.

Sexism will never change until those "important" books for girls are also read by every boy, until men get pissed off by the subjugation of women, until men join and understand the feminist movement as well.

Racism towards any group will never end until it keeps the oppressors up late at night, until those who belong to the privileged group speak loudly and clearly about how this is all our issue, until certain oppressed racial groups (mainly blacks) stop promoting pain as a black issue, and allow members of other groups to join the fight as well.

Homophobia and moral condemnation of the GLBTQ community will not change until the hetero-gender-abiding-religious-or-non-religious understand that no one is free until all of us are free; until love, not interpretive doctrine, not fear, gets embraced; until all of us realize that we are a reflection of the animal kingdom at large; therefore, if homosexuality is 'wrong' in form (orientation) or action (behavior), then it should not exist as a natural occurrence within the animal kingdom. However, it does exist, not as an anomaly, but as a natural part of most animal groupings.

Class-ism can only be rendered inoperable when those in power speak alongside with those who lack power; when we see family as more than genetics and neighborhoods and cities and countries and borders; when the walls of Jericho come crumbling down between us; when we can taste the salt in the others' tears, and realize that we are only stronger with the other.

The idea of the bully and their arch enemy, the victim, will never be resolved to those of us who are bystanders stand together with those who have been victimized, and all of us look at the cruelty within ourselves before attempting to remove it from others; when we stop the idea of us versus them, and instead, replace it with us AND them, until we finally realize that there is no 'them': we are us.

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