Wednesday, February 26, 2014

From the other side

Many of us were raised to feel pity for those who are in less favorable circumstances, whether that be physically, mentally, economically, or emotionally. We were raised to count our blessings. Have we ever thought about it from the other perspective? The "less fortunate" side?

Yesterday, I performed for a group, mostly made up of adults who were physical education, health, and dance instructors. After my presentation, a man, Ernie Jones, approached me, and handed me a paper. He shook my hand, and said, "Please read this. It was inspired by your character who has Cerebral Palsy." This is the gift he gave me:

"I cried because I had no shoes
Then I saw one who had no feet

There but by the grace of God go I


I cried because I had no feet
Then I saw one who had no class
and I said to myself...
'And I thought having no feet was bad.'"

Thank you, Ernie Jones, wherever you are, wherever you may go for reminding all of us about perspective.

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