Thursday, August 8, 2013

I face a tough day today, one that tests me more for my spiritual principles of peace; though, it will also test me on legal levels as well. For those of you who know the parts of my story, in the last three to four years, that, at times, have rendered me speechless, enraged, weakened, depressed, aloof, angered, will understand to what I am referring. For those who do not know my story of the last three to four years, the details themselves do not matter. Where I am right now is all that I know and have.

I have a court deposition today to face the insidious greed of one of the mothers of my sons and her lawyer. Though the actual deposition weighs heavily on my mind, I am more concerned with how I will handle this situation in my heart. It is the only and most important area of this whole ordeal. The deposition will come and go, but my character will be leaving the room with me. The war I face is not against flesh nor blood, but against all those things unseen.

I want to defend myself and speak the truth of the matter, but I want my heart to be free of the poison that I feel sits so close to my lungs and veins. If I wish to see peace, I must become this peace. This will be the most difficult task today.

Similarly, I've been writing in this journal called, 642 Things to Write About. What a wonderful book filled with many inspirational ideas for writing. One of them sticks out to me at this moment: Write a love letter to someone you despise.

Hmm...may my heart find love, not hate; may both of my cheeks burn from the assault; may I write these letters of love to those I despise, as I answer my enemy. 

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